The D.O.C should discontinue its hypocritical and dangers crusade of double celling its mst vulnerable prisoner (seniors), in a toilet (yes a cell is a toilet). The Double celling of senior is sadistic, inhumane, and designed to collapse his/her willpower by reducing the senior to the level of an abused animal;. is cruel and unusual punishment.
The D.O.C. inserts seniors with those who are sometime mischievous and out of control which exposes seniors to danger. This action imposes a 24/7 state of trepidation on the senior and makes him/her vulnerable and unprotected from the aggressive and rebellious endeavours for life. [Yes the senior whom is serving life is tortured until the end of life]. The D.O.C. manipulate and exploit the psychologist brain trust to be part of the indoctrination of the senior population if they are unwilling to conform to the doubling in the toilet.
Its no doubt the psychologists in the D.O.C. are complaisant and part of the contrived unethical mistreatment of seniors custody. Unfortunately for the senior the new duty of the psychologist is to employ progressive techniques of psychological warfare to influence and monitor the senior population with drugs if they resist double celling or facilitate that they have no power to stop the contrived unethical mistreatment.
The senior never knows he/she is being psychologically influenced to do the bidding of the D.O.C. with or without conscious cooperation. The D.O.C. data revealed seniors routinely hamper the younger prisoners from instigating unnecessary disruptive behavior within the prisons. Consequently, the data is used to exploit the senior to do their bidding.
Because of this data the D.O.C. calculated and designed an outrageous propaganda scheme that would be economical and fiscally lucrative, and at the same time enhance their order and control. Part of the scheme was to insert the unsung senior with the younger prisoners to stifle the prisoners from being mischievous.
However, this was being done without the senior being aware that they were being psychologically influenced to do the D.O.C. bidding. This propaganda condition for 24.7 aggressive rebellious endeavours it would make seniors vulnerable and unprotected from any furious violence.
Because of this data the D.O.C. knew that this trepidation of the seniors had to be monitored because psychologically if the senior became defiant he/she may respond to this danger in a devastating arduous manner. Because most seniors and their cellies are not companions or confidants they are rivals for the toilet. Thus, to monitor the seniors became the psychologist task. Part of this task was to question the seniors on a regular basis and to remind them of clemency. Therefore, if the senior exhibited resistance to this cruel and unusual punishment the psychologist would remind them of the complency; and then demoralize the senior with fraudulent intimidation about transfer, hole, drugs, as the reprisal.
All seniors are not equal but all seniors are vulnerable to the aggressor. Most seniors have medical and psychological problems. The problematic scenarios that occurs with the senior being force celled is so numerous and immense its not enough capacity to detail. Thus, imagine being in a 24.7 state of pantophobia of hostility.
All prisoners (seniors) who have been incarcerated for over twenty years or more is service a live sentence or equivalent too; and are double celled are being psychologically unhinged. That’s why all seniors should be single celled and allowed to live without the threat of being harmed.
Thank you
Lonnie Wright
Inst. No. AY-8734 Phoenix