Is the Debt Truly Ever Paid?
By: John Gordon In the Commonwealth of Virginia, persons convicted of felonies must individually apply for restoration of voting rights, and their applications must be signed by the governor him or herself. In 2017, the Virginia Senate nearly passed an amendment that would permanently deny voting rights to…
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover
Excerpt from Stories of Transformation – The Positive Impact Lifers Have on Other Incarcerated Citizens and Society My note is for my experience when I met brother Bro Benny-Do. When I first met the brother at the Man-Up program, I thought he was like others who just talked…
Pennsylvania Prisoners’ at SCI-Phoenix Files A Lawsuit Seeking Parole Eligibility of Life Sentences
Pennsylvania Prisoners’ at SCI-Phoenix Files A Lawsuit Seeking Parole Eligibility of Life Sentences by Kevin S. Mines. Eight (8) Pennsylvania State prisoners at SCI-Phoenix, Kevin S. Mines, Lonnie Wright, James Brown, Charles Sheppard, Kevin Evans, Brian Thompson, Thomas Davis II, and Joel Muir – Petitioners, filed a Petition…
Lifers Inc. Response Survey
Dear Family Member/Friend/Supporter, Members of Lifers Incorporated at SCI Phoenix are immensely grateful to you for your pledge of continued support. State Senator Sharif Street (D-Phila), and State Representative Jason Dawkins (D-Phila) both, this year, have reintroduced legislation for Parole Eligibility of Life-Sentences in PA: Senate Bill No.…
The Toilet
The D.O.C should discontinue its hypocritical and dangers crusade of double celling its mst vulnerable prisoner (seniors), in a toilet (yes a cell is a toilet). The Double celling of senior is sadistic, inhumane, and designed to collapse his/her willpower by reducing the senior to the level of…
Lifers Essay
By Jamie Tate There are defining moments in everyone’s life. Mine was the day Danny Peters (Lifer Commuted) and George Trudel (Lifer, Commuted) both Villanova alumni, say me down inside a dreary, dusty old classroom inside of Graterfod’s school building. I was 29 years old, in the midst…
Ending the Culture of Street Crime: A 2020 Vision of Criminal Justice Reformation
By Kevin Mines, Lifers Inc. President It is no secret that impoverished communities in urban centers throughout the US have become incubators for crime and violence. Generations of youth raised in these communities are being inculcated with anti-social, life negating values and beliefs. The mass-incarceration of hundreds of…
Double Celling Magnifies Pre-Existing Mental Disorders
By a single cell Pennsylvania prisoner (over 30 years served) Confronting the politics of filling prisons to their maximum capacity has many dynamics that most of the victims thereof will not tackle face to face. Therefore, policy makers, social engineers, and profiteers will continuously exploit the ignorant and…
What it’s like to be trapped in a cell the size of a Bathroom for 9 Months with Another Prisoner in the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Shabazz, Lifers Inc. SCI Phoenix The other prisoner, who I was forced into a cell with, never cleans the cell or sanitizes the toilet, sink, floor, door, walls, cabinets, shelves, table, bunk, etc. His hygiene is despicable! I fear I am at risk of contracting COVID and…
Life in Quarantine – A Message from Inside SCI Pheonix
A Message received 10/07/2020 from Kevin (Saleem) Mines at SCI Phoenix The impact is devastating to many of the prisoners. I suppose the difference with the quarantine this time around is that a larger number of COVID cases have been documented and that, after coming off of five…